You can setup a product and accept payments in mere minutes.

They handle VAT and different currencies. Everything related to receiving payments.By following the tested steps outlined below, many of the uncertainties will already vanish and you’ll just have to implement it. Uncertainty depends on how little you know about a particular solution. get feedback via e-mail, not via ratings on the app store.There are compelling reasons to sell outside the Mac App Store: So where’s the point in giving away 30% + VAT for the warehouse that is the Mac App Store? You have to hustle and do all the marketing on your own to get there, though. Things change with a fan base or lots of tech press coverage. The Mac App Store is not great for discovering software, especially if it’s new and the developer not well-known. The Mac App store promises peace of mind and a trusted system – but from a customer’s perspective, it only helps find and buy a product you already know exists. That’s when I wrote the guide called “ Make Money Outside the Mac App Store” (but more on that in a bit). I went through this a couple of times and always missed bullet-proof instructions. You don’t want any of these components to fail, ever. a paywall, like requiring a license code, andĭeveloping this on your own can be intimidating.You have to setup everything the App Store offers once for each of your apps: It’s just a bit complicated to get the necessary components to work together smoothly the first time. Selling your apps outside the Mac App Store is easy once you get the grip. Christian used his own experience selling outside the Mac App store to write an informative guide on the topic. We have invited a guest, Christian Tietze, to contribute to the FastSpring blog.

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